ENFP females are INFJ males, destroyer?

Recently, I’ve been doing research online about the MBTI, numerology, enneagram, horoscope, etc. I’m obsessed beyond your wildest imagination. Whenever I get free time and space, I start wrapping my brain around this topic, reading one article after another. I’m trying to formulate this ultimate profiling method, which I won’t succeed in, simply because there are just TOO MANY possibilities. The main objective is to help the people who are the pillars of my organisation. To shorten the process, I brought in the expert instead. I’m still researching, but this whole “ultimate profiling method” is more of a pet project of mine.

So anyway, of the many theories, so to speak, I’m most fascinated by the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI). I’ve somewhat convinced myself, in the most ridiculous manner you can imagine, my soulmate would be an INTJ. Haha. Did I mention my whole family consist of psychopaths: https://www.princessadiary.com/wall/2013/02/wtfbbq-my-house-is-filled-with-psychopaths-so. Ah well.

I’ve been thinking about blogging the whole MBTI thing for a while now. I’ve stocked up quite a number of my thoughts. I haven’t entirely structured them properly, so it’s still in the stash.

Here’s how this morning’s chain wall updates happened. I woke up at 8am thinking gym was going to be at 10am, only to find out it was at 1.30pm instead. It affected my schedule, and I’ve grown VERY particular about programmes. So, to be honest, I’m a little displeased with myself about it. That said, I have backup plans, reading being one of them.

I find this statement loads of laughs, “How is anyone surprised? You need only look at Pinkie Pie to see the crazy that is ENFP!

In case you’re interested, here’s the thread I’m reading: http://www.infjs.com/forums/showthread.php?t=22534.

Fyi, I signed up for numerous forums. I probably won’t be commenting. I’m simply harvesting information.

“I have one ex-friend ENFP, one current friend ENFP, BIL is an ENFP and my youngest son is an ENFP. In the following respect they are all the same: they want to be part of the most exciting thing “at the moment.” So when the fun is over, they are very quick to move on,” says Sriracha.

Depends on the context, but generally true. I don’t linger around so as not to pick up any negativity. I can’t afford to be demoralised… guess that’s why my shields are in full defensive mode right now.

“I’m not sure I’ve known any ENFPs, but how would you best describe their personality in action? They typically move around a lot from people to people? Sounds like a party host who talks to all the guests… ” says Horatio.

Wahahahaha was pretty much accurate. ;x

“I just got out of a relationship with an ENFP. They’re actually great, I admire them becuse they are very honest with themselves, despite how crazy they appear to others (they’re usually oblivious to it though). But ENFP’s love high stakes, the rush, the thrill, the chase when it comes to romantic pursuits, unless you’re able to maintain that fire they’ll end up looking elsewhere,” says Izan.

That is more or less accurate… except we (or I) can stick around long-term as long as you communicate more? It’s not about the “fire”. It’s about communication. But yes, it’d be nice to be thrilled once in a while.

Like most N types, we think about the possibilities A LOT. So much so that sometimes, it may be projected out of proportion, in the wrong direction altogether.

These are the words of another ENFP female.

“I do think it is an issue of maturity. It’s almost like we’re programmed to seek thrill. If we want to be mature adults, many times we have to fight that urge. Boyfriend and I have been in a long distance relationship for about a year now, and it is not consistently super thrilling, but I love him and we’ve mutually decided to be committed to each other, so I’m in it for the long run. If you get lucky, you can find an ENFP who works hard to find thrills within the relationship she’s in. For example, I try to find something new about Boyfriend every month so I can tell him how much I appreciate it. The biggest issue we have is communication: I want lots of it because I like attention and he wants not so much of it because he likes space. So, he tells me when I’m being a little too much for him to process* and I tell him when I’d really like to hear from him. I think the ENFP just has to be really aware of her tendency to seek thrill and be willing to call herself out on it,” says rahlenders.

*Clap clap* she took the words right out of my mouth. There’s more…

“As for seeing potential when it may or may not actually be there, I will say this: You should know that the lady ENFP in question has probably, at very least, considered you an option. We tend to do that. We consider everyone an option, and typically latch onto whomever shows us attention first. Now, this is very dangerous behavior as not every guy (and girl for that matter) is a fine, upstanding member of the community. More mature ENFPs will more carefully consider their options. I got lucky, admittedly. Boyfriend is a really good man, and he cares a lot about me, so I wasn’t jumping into anything dangerous. I found him extremely intriguing, so I kept talking to him. But then I realised I was being creepy, so I kept my distance for a while, and that’s when he came after me.

Know this: We find the quiet men ridiculously interesting. There may or may not be ulterior motives behind her interest in you, but she may also just be genuinely interesting in pursuing friendship with you,” says rahlenders.

It’s true. Everyone is an option (so long as it’s still open). The one that shows us attention first is probably the highest on our priority list. Also, I guess we tend to back off when we feel too aggressive (too concerned about what people think/feel). And yes, I do find quiet men ridiculously interesting.

“Do be careful when selecting an ENFP for yourself, we’re a tricky bunch. But we’re pretty worth it, I think. That might just be the ENFP talking, though.

*I would recommend being careful about approaching this, as the preponderance of ENFPs don’t take criticism too well. However, we do understand that you need to communicate your issues and struggles in order for a relationship to thrive,” says rahlenders.

I couldn’t have said it better. Oh wait, I could have, but yeah… this works. ;x

The thread I’m reading is about ENFP-INFJs. I’m much more attracted to INTJs because they tend to get me thinking more, which appeals to me.

Sadly, the one I’m currently head over heels about is starting to make me realise I’m living too much in my world (my mind is a fascinating catastrophic mess with a castle in the clouds). What I see in him is the possibilities (mainly due to our shared interest that was brought up making initial conversations) and external factors as well. But in reality, it’s good to say. We don’t get along. Perhaps we’re just not trying hard enough? Or maybe…

This is a pointless debate that’s been going on in my head since the beginning. What works for me and what does is relatively straightforward. I just need the feeling of being needed. I’d be there if you give me the feeling that you want/need me around. Similarly, if I feel unwanted/not required, *poof* I’m gone. Of course, it’s different when in a serious relationship. But generally, that’s how my mind functions.

Back to the guy again. It would help if more external moral support is provided. I’d be more tuned to working towards success instead of deeming it as a failure already. Unfortunately, everyone can’t wait for me to move on to the next better contender. About 100 percent of the people around me who know my “love story” is placing their bet on P, which is an exciting and absolutely SWEET story. I can promise you that. Again, I’ll leave that to another entry.

Despite all that’s said, at this point, it all makes no sense whatsoever. Nothing matters anymore. I stop caring, feeling or whatever you call it. I’m 100 percent focused on my current project and entirely defensive. I don’t even feel like much of an **FP anymore.

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