When you start giving, you will start receiving

Reminisce about the last scenario you gifted someone… Maybe it was a voucher, a couple trip for 2 nights away, or a friends child receiving a trendy gift, or just spending time with a good friend when they needed. Science says, that the art of giving or gifting creates similar endorphins, to that we generate during physical pleasure, maybe eating some cake, or hugging a loved one. A famous Ben Carson quote “Happiness doesn’t result from what we get, but from what we give.”
What about your feelings when you received an unexpected gift? A random stranger’s smile as you crossed paths on a busy day, someone contacting you after a period of no communication. No doubt you felt good inside.
What about an entirely different way too look at the above two scenarios. Say, a gift to yourself. One could argue, you’re getting both of the deals above. Maybe it’s a confronting notion, why not value yourself enough to treat yourself?
Let’s look at another famous quote. St Francis of Assisi, once wrote “For it is in giving that we receive”
Science says that those of us who indulge somewhat, literally “spread the cheer”. We have an inclination to give to others in many forms, time, positive messages or maybe just a few more likes on social media.
We do this in a variety of ways, it could be eating a nutritious meal, sleeping in (who doesn’t like that) or eating breakfast in bed watching a movie.
Have you ever been at work, labouring on a system that you know you can design better? And it frustrates you a fair portion. Perhaps gifting yourself is simply letting this go. The struggle is real, but it doesn’t have to be.
So we move on, to discuss not acting on things that may put us out of our comfort zone a little more than normal. You know the one, a friend’s wedding in Fiji, that loose partner in crime, who wants to overindulge at the local. Maybe just “not doing” is gift enough to yourself?
Perhaps something you have just read has triggered your mind. Clearly, we have many options in life, so what can you do in this moment, that’s your own decision to gift yourself now?
What if we were to say, there is one more scenario? What if you could gift yourself and gift others with the one action?
Well, that’s what we are about. That third scenario.It’s basically “having your cake and eating it too“ and who doesn’t like cake?
Shopping in our online boutique, at gifttoyourself.com, we donate 10% of our profits to either Sea Shepherd, or World Wildlife Fund WWF.
Now you can see! We offer the opportunity, right now… to:
- Feel good about giving
- Feel great about receiving
- AND Feel awesome about contributing to preserving the oceans and our wildlife!
Give the gift that feels good. It’s simple.
Shop on our platform here: https://gifttoyourself.com/