Frozen, Chapter 2: The woods of Enchanted Forest

Elsa is walking in the woods of Enchanted Forest, enjoying the cold breeze when she hears a distant voice calling out to her. Not her name… but her heart.
It was weird.
I was unlike anything she had heard before.
At first, she thought she was hearing things.
She pinched herself.
But the voice grew louder.
Frantic, she goes running around in search of it. She went further and further into the Enchanted Forest. Then she fell, it was a long fall but she found herself standing in the heat of summer. She found herself at 88 Rangoon Road, Singapore 218374.
There was no more calling. She felt at peace.
From the corner of her eye, she could see people waving at her in a cafe named Enchanted Cafe, similar to the one they had in Arendelle. At least something looked familiar.
They welcomed Elsa in and served her a glass of cold chocolate.
She felt lost but… rather at home in the cafe. But the question remains in her head… how did she get here? Did the voice want her to be here? Was the voice good or bad?
Find out next week on the blog. In the meantime, score some peace and quiet at Enchanted Cafe.