Same cake, different vibes: Reflecting on birthdays and life’s transitions

Birthdays were all about the cake, the fun, and the people surrounding me – that’s what I think.

Honestly, I can’t remember every single celebration, but I do remember who I spent those moments with. They were always the highlight, the people who made the day worth celebrating. But this year feels different. The same cake has the same birthday vibe, but a shift is happening inside me that makes this celebration different from the ones before.

A healthier approach to celebrations: Cake alternatives and weight loss

In the past, a decadent cake might have been the centrepiece of my birthday. This year, though, I’ve been on a whole new journey – a journey toward better health. That cake? I’ll be swapping it out for something healthier, a raw, vegan, or fruit-based treat that still feels celebratory but aligns with my new goals.

Why the change? Well, in just three months, I’ve lost 18kg. I went from a size XL/L to a size S/M – something I never thought I’d achieve so quickly. It wasn’t just about losing weight; it was about finding balance and making healthier choices for my body and mind. I learned to enjoy the process of taking care of myself in ways I hadn’t before, from food choices to lifestyle adjustments. Now, the idea of “cake” takes on a whole new meaning – one that supports the person I’m becoming, not the person I used to be.

I’m actually working with a couple of royals to develop a weight loss program that WORKS. If you’re interested in hearing more or joining us, leave a comment – I’d love to share this journey with you.

Reflecting on who we celebrate with

What stands out from past birthdays is different from the cake or the gifts. It’s the people. I’ve always remembered who was with me on those special days, and this year, as I look ahead, I realise that someone significant won’t be part of the celebration anymore.

Without diving into too much detail, it’s safe to say that this year marks the beginning of a new chapter for me. Ed, who has been there for many birthdays, will no longer be part of the days to come. It’s not something I’m ready to fully unpack yet, but I acknowledge that change is necessary, and it’s a part of life’s transitions.

A new birthday experience: Glamping!

Speaking of new experiences, this year I’m going glamping! It’s my first time trying this, and honestly, it feels like the perfect way to mark this birthday. The idea of getting away, embracing nature, and celebrating under the stars feels like the reset I need.

Glamping is this beautiful middle ground – it’s adventurous yet comfortable, and it mirrors how I’ve been approaching life recently. I’m stepping into new things, but I’m also finding ways to keep joy and comfort at the centre of my experiences. It feels symbolic – trying something new while holding onto the parts of life that still bring me peace and happiness.

Embracing life’s transitions

This birthday isn’t just about trying a healthier cake or going glamping. It’s a reflection of the transitions happening in my life. Whether it’s the weight I’ve lost, the personal relationships I’m navigating, or the excitement of embracing new experiences, this year feels like a marker of growth. I’m learning to let go of what no longer serves me and embracing what comes next with open arms – even if it’s uncertain.

The journey forward may feel a little strange at times, but there’s also beauty in accepting change and trusting that what’s ahead will align with the person I’m becoming.

Celebrating growth and change

So here I am, celebrating another year of life – one that looks different from the past. Healthier choices, new experiences, and personal transitions are all part of this chapter, and I’m embracing it fully.

If you’re in a place of transition – whether it’s in your health, your relationships, or even in how you approach life’s celebrations – know that it’s okay to feel both excitement and uncertainty. We all grow at our own pace, and sometimes, those subtle shifts lead to the biggest transformations.

If you want to stay connected and get a deeper look into my journey (along with some fun, personal confessions), subscribe to my Royal Confessions newsletter. Trust me, you won’t want to miss what’s coming next!

Let me know if you’d like to adjust anything, but this flows well and subtly incorporates everything you wanted!

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