You're entitled to a life full of riches, doing what you adore.

The Castle is your digital court, a content creation and entrepreneurial education sanctuary designed to help you find your passion, cultivate alliances, and generate a full-time income doing what you genuinely cherish.

You might have seen me on


our noble fellowship


wealth and liberation


a life you adore

This royal decree is for you

Are you longing for a touch of "magic" in your life?

You can’t quell the feeling that you’re destined for something grander than this.

You’re meant to create a larger wave than you’re currently making. You’re destined to fall in love with the work you perform every day. You’re meant to ascend beyond your present station.

Does this touch a chord?

Click one of the buttons below to begin. Your throne awaits.

The Castle is a haven for dreamers like you...

We minted our first USD 100k in 12 months.

Two years back, I was plagued with countless fears about launching an online business, and today, I preside over a design ed-tech firm, and a few months ago, we minted our first USD 100k within our first year of existence.
Digital Course Maestro

I just experienced my first USD 10k day.

I'm still in disbelief... I just experienced my first USD 10k day, signing up two clients to our USD 5k program in one day. Still. In. Disbelief. We've been striving hard to get here... this group has been instrumental in maintaining a strong mindset, and I want to reciprocate that support.
Fitness Guru

As of Monday, I will be a full-time princess in my own kingdom.

I've been a PRINCESSA member for a couple of months, but I will be full-time in my own enterprise come Monday. I'm so thrilled and a tad nervous!

The Castle aims to empower you to build wealth

The world needs more Content Creator Entrepreneurs (CCE) making 6-figures (or more).

Income and influence are intertwined – and when more ambitious individuals accumulate wealth, we’ll see a transformation in your life and the world around you.

You deserve to earn money doing what you adore every day. And in The Castle, we’ll guide you on how to do just that.

Every friendship made, every mentor discovered, and every business conceived is a step towards affluent moulding a better world for all of us.

We're exhausted of the other business drivel out there

(and trust us - there's a ton of it)

The alpha-marketing ploys, the fluffy “business” courses, the pyramid schemes that trick you, the get-rich-quick fallacies – we all recognise it’s rubbish.

We’re done with it. And you likely are as well.

At Royal Launch School, we’ve devised a proven, repeatable blueprint to assist you in initiating and scaling your venture in a manner that feels intuitive and harmonises with your life. Here’s what we mean…

Let's succeed together

We conduct business uniquely

Too many digital communities lack genuine connections.
Too many online courses lecture you instead of assisting you in flourishing.
Too many coaching programmes don’t have the evidence to prove they can facilitate your success.

We take a wholistic approach to business.

One that considers your mind, body, and your treasure chest.
In The Castle, we offer courses, community and coaching to guide you on…

Boost your confidence as an entrepreneur.

Whether you’re already running a business or ready to draft a plan, we’ll audit where your strategies are and elevate them together.

Clarify and polish your business idea.

In need of a brand refresh or just getting started? You’ll see how the most iconic brands are built and gain all you need to create one you love.

Connect with like-minded founders in The Castle.

In The Castle, our digital social circle, you’ll delve into the course content, get your queries answered, and RSVP for live events.

Discover your customers, sell to them, and foster loyalty.

You’ll identify and get close to your customer, learn how to position yourself, and convert them – over and over.

Click the button below to begin. Your throne awaits.

Your digital palace is designed for royal launch schools around the globe

Entrepreneurs ᐧ Founders ᐧ Side-Hustlers ᐧ Thought Leaders ᐧ Content Creators ᐧ Freelancers ᐧ Corporates ᐧ Homemakers

Consider The Castle your virtual palace away from the mundane.

The number one community for entrepreneurs, content creators, side-hustlers, freelancers, corporates, etc., who yearn to discover their purpose, amass wealth and revolutionise their lives…

… without shady marketing tactics, risky investments or the need to have it all sorted from the get-go…

If this sounds like your fairy tale – we’ve got your back. So to…

Welcome home. We’re so thrilled you’re here.

Three truths and a fib

Just a tick - let's have a royal joust

Can you discern which is the falsehood?

Starting and growing an online business is simple when you have a proven roadmap.

TRUE! With our proven roadmap within The Castle, kickstarting and expanding your online venture is straightforward.

You can transform your passion project into a full-time business and adore what you do daily.

TRUE! The most prosperous businesses spring from your passions – it’s called the Passion Economy, and it’s one of the fastest-blooming industries to date.

You don't have to be an expert or hold a fancy business degree to make money online.

TRUE! Anyone can initiate and expand a business with the tools we provide within The Castle – you don’t need to be an expert or hold a fancy business degree.

Starting a business is high-risk, with high rewards.

FALSE! Launching an online business is LOW risk, HIGH reward. The possibilities are limitless, and with The Castle, you can chart your business voyage for as little as USD 49.

This royal decree is for you

Being an Entrepreneur (n.)

The audacious answer for dames across the globe striving to amass wealth, pinpoint their purpose, and carve out a life they’re mad about.

54% of women
in the workplace
have a side hustle.

Less than 18% of
female founders
reach 6 figures
in revenue.

Less than 2% of
female founders
reach 7 figures
in revenue.

Your life, and the lives of those you cherish, can transform when you begin to nurture your own online kingdom.

Perhaps you desire…

Being a Content Creator Entrepreneur is your destiny. And we’ll teach you how to embark on your entrepreneurial adventure when you enter The Castle.

Click the button below to begin. Your throne awaits.

A Content Creator Entrepreneur is open to their aspirations and bravely craft a path for themselves to ascend. They are on a quest to become their best self – in all spheres – fearlessly stepping out of their comfort bubble to fabricate their version of success.

It isn't a long wait to see results from The Castle

Even if you’re starting from square one or still need to get a business concept…

A stunning USD 12k, just three weeks after entering The Castle and applying what I learned.

I'm brimming over with excitement! I sealed deals worth USD 12k in one-on-one coaching services merely three weeks after entering The Castle!
Gabrielle Moriarty

I smashed my launch target in just four days!

I reached my goal today! Just four days! Cheers for all the delightful feedback, suggestions and well wishes. Overwhelmed with gratitude, I took the plunge. I need to raise my goals!
Hannah Donovan

Click the button below to begin. Your throne awaits.

Your triumph commences at the boundary of your comfort zone.

If your self-limiting convictions obstruct you from pursuing your passions and constructing a life you adore – we get it…

Believe us – we’ve heard it and experienced it all ourselves. And when you’re hauling all of these self-limiting beliefs around all the time – it’s draining and dispiriting.

But here’s the real tea…

If you're trapped in a procrastination loop - it's not your fault.

Without a proven roadmap, getting lost and squandering precious time is easy. You may be combating…

Listen, darling – we get it because we’ve been there too. But the great news is – your life is about to take a turn for the better.

We designed and created Royal Launch School to overcome all these hurdles and challenges. Following our proven step-by-step roadmap, unlock all the coaching, community and curriculum to help you do the same.

So much value crammed into this
USD 49 membership

Take it from our members…

The worth of this membership is unrivalled.

Absolutely adore the platform and its user-friendly nature. The masterclasses alone, in the short span I've used it, are worth WAY MORE than I paid for annual access.
Brand Strategist

The courses and tutorials are so valuable to my business.

The value and information have been blowing my mind. Thanks a million for creating stellar products, courses and tutorials to help elevate and better my business.
Online Fitness

Click the button below to begin. Your throne awaits.

The Castle is more than just another membership

When you cross the drawbridge into the castle, you’ll unlock…

Our signature framework

Watch your life and business morph as you follow our simple, proven roadmap. You’ll preserve time and energy when you’re clued in about what to do in what order to grow.

Hands-on coaching calls

We’re bringing coaching from our team and industry experts so you always have a spot at the round table.

A private, close-knit online community

You shouldn’t have to scale your business solo. The Castle is at your disposal 24/7 to advise and encourage you to keep going when the going gets tough.

Exclusive discounts, bonuses and perks

Your membership unlocks Royal Launch School exclusives like early access to offers, discounts on our favourite business-growing products and more.

Done-for-you (DFY) templates, guides and resources

You don’t have to start from scratch. We’ve templatised everything so you can spend time focused on the needle-movers in your business and get results.

Networking opportunities, events and more

If you aspire to reach the stars, you need to band together – network with folks in your industry to gain encouragement, feedback, and support.

Click the button below to begin. Your throne awaits.

Our approach to
business growth is distinct

(and it works!)

If you’re worn out from purchasing online courses and memberships and not reaping the fruits – we get it! Here’s what sets us apart from the competition…

The Castle


Opportunity to attend our online and offline event invitations (e.g. fashion shows, private showcases, tea parties, etc.).


24/7 access to our private, facilitated, online community.


Brand discounts (PRINCESSA by Sabrina Wang and People’s Inc. 360 products and services, and more) and brand page.


Exclusive interview, video interview, website banner advertising, and social media shoutout.


NFT (generated), influencer campaign on PINCfluence, article, and social media takeover.

[Exclusive] Mentions on PRINCESSA TV and Podcast.

Access to Royal Launch School‘s proven, repeatable, business-building framework.

Access to Royal Creators School‘s followers’ growth, personal branding, and the blueprint to generate a sustainable social media income.

Education and course materials that weather industry shifts and algorithm updates.


Hands-on coaching from 7-figure entrepreneurs with millions of followers.

Plug-and-play templates and resources you can instantly employ in your business – saving you time and money.


No-questions-asked, anytime cancellation policy.


Payment options

Oh, don’t you love having options? Well, luckily for you, we’ve got plenty regarding payment! Let’s break it down – we accept credit cards, PayPal, PayNow, and good ol’ fashioned cash or cheque. So go ahead and pick your poison – we’ve got you covered!


$ 8,999 Limited slots only
  • All Duke / Duchess privileges
  • NFT (generated)
  • Influencer campaign on PINCfluence
  • Article
  • Social media takeover
  • [Exclusive] Mentions on PRINCESSA TV and Podcast
  • Access to Royal Launch School
  • Hands-on coaching

Duke / Duchess

$ 1,999
  • All Earl / Countess privileges
  • Exclusive interview
  • Video interview
  • Website banner advertising
  • Social media shoutout
  • Access to Royal Creators School


$ 8,999 Limited slots only
  • All Duke / Duchess privileges
  • NFT (generated)
  • Influencer campaign on PINCfluence
  • Exclusive interview
  • Video interview
  • Article
  • Website banner advertising
  • Social media shoutout
  • Social media takeover
  • [Exclusive] Mentions on PRINCESSA TV and Podcast
  • Access to Royal Launch School
  • Access to Royal Creators School
  • Hands-on coaching

Earl / Countess

$ 49
  • All Viscount / Viscountess privileges
  • Brand page
  • Education and course materials
  • Plug-and-play templates and resources

Viscount / Viscountess

$ 19
  • Attend our online and offline events
  • Community access
  • Brand discounts


$ 0
  • Attend our online and offline events
  • Community access (limited)
  • Brand discounts (specific brands only)

More options are available, click below.

Payment options

Oh, don’t you love having options? Well, luckily for you, we’ve got plenty regarding payment! Let’s break it down – we accept credit cards, PayPal, PayNow, and good ol’ fashioned cash or cheque. So go ahead and pick your poison – we’ve got you covered!


$ 8,999
  • All Prince / Princess privileges

King / Queen

$ 6,999
  • All Prince / Princess privileges
  • [Exclusive] Mentions on PRINCESSA TV and Podcast
  • Hands-on coaching

Prince / Princess

$ 3,999
  • All Duke / Duchess privileges
  • NFT (generated)
  • Influencer campaign on PINCfluence
  • Article
  • Website banner advertising
  • Social media takeover
  • Access to Royal Launch School

Duke / Duchess

$ 1,999
  • All Earl / Countess privileges
  • Exclusive interview
  • Video interview
  • Website banner advertising
  • Social media shoutout
  • Access to Royal Creators School

Earl / Countess

$ 49
  • All Viscount / Viscountess privileges
  • Brand page
  • Education and course materials
  • Plug-and-play templates and resources

Viscount / Viscountess

$ 19
  • Attend our online and offline events
  • Community access
  • Brand discounts


$ 0
  • Attend our online and offline events
  • Community access (limited)
  • Brand discounts (specific brands only)

Great community support for just USD 49

Take it from our members…

Joining The Castle is one of the best investments I made in my life.

Having access to different knowledge and roadmaps in various fields has helped me massively grow as a person and develop my business, especially online.
Emily Porter

The support and accountability you NEED!

Having accountability when it comes to mindset, planning business goals, and meeting like-minded entrepreneurs allows me to see the success of others and why it's possible for us all to succeed!
Millie Bradley

Click the button below to begin. Your throne awaits.

Sweetie, we've got something splendid for our annual members

Regal revenue routines

Presenting our unique Royal Launch School method to curate your PRINCESSA-style membership programme, unlocking perpetual income.

You don’t have to break a sweat, darling, selling your finely honed talents every month. PRINCESSA does memberships with grace, and in this charming training course, we’re revealing the secrets to creating a wildly prosperous membership scheme.

Your very own tailored brand guide template

Sweetheart, your brand isn’t merely a logo. It’s your colours, fonts, imagery, and the tone of your voice. Learn the Royal Launch School branding magic from Sabrina herself with an exclusive video tutorial for our annual members. PLUS, receive your brand guide template, making it swift and easy to nurture your brand.

Personalisable logos

Now, speaking of logos, darling, you’ll be requiring one of those too! Save yourself the fortune of hiring a designer and utilise our adaptable logo templates to craft a standout visual identity.

EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to our complete masterclass library

Masterclasses from industry gurus on everything legal and finances (including ready-made templates), lead generation and email marketing, business and life organisation, sales page optimisation, hiring, branding and design, social media growth, money mindset and high performance.

PLUS, darling, you'll receive... PRINCESSA preset collection

Give your content that professional polish with our brand new Lightroom Preset Collection – exclusively for PRINCESSA members!

Following the launch of our first preset collection, we’ve been inundated with requests for more. Content is a monumental part of business, so we’ve fashioned a brand new Preset Collection exclusively for annual PRINCESSA members.

Edit on your computer or the go – our presets are compatible with Lightroom CC, Classic and Mobile.

Click the button below to begin. Your throne awaits.

A word of caution

The Castle is not for every lass

We’re immensely proud of our community and loath to let anyone squander their hard-earned pounds on membership, not befitting them. The Castle might not be your cup of tea if you are…

Your online business can transcend your life

Take it from our members…

This USD 49 membership transformed my life.

Next year is poised to be a 7-figure year from my conferences alone, so I'm beside myself with anticipation to see the magic we'll create together. My advice to you, darling, is to fully commit yourself to forging relationships with the women in your memberships or masterminds. You never know where it might lead.
Penelope Clarke
Mentor and Workshop Organiser

From debts to a 6-figure year.

I toil six days a week, but it pays off... I managed to save half our house deposit and reached my goal of hitting 6-figures... It's astonishing what you're capable of once you tune your mindset to work FOR you rather than remain mired in self-sabotage... Your financial history doesn't dictate your financial future.
Madison Taylor

Click the button below to begin. Your throne awaits.

You deserve to earn a full-time income doing what you adore every day

When you join The Castle, you’ll have the companionship, knowledge and backing you need to revolutionise your life, earn more money, and make an impact.

We’re eager to connect with you and support you on your entrepreneurial journey.

Click the button below to begin. Your throne awaits.

Let’s get to know one another...

Hey! It’s me, Sabrina. Straight outta Singapore 🇸🇬!

Now, before we dive deep, let me drop some quick facts. I’ve been making waves in the media, marketing, and tech world for over a decade. And guess what? The media loves a good success story. You might’ve seen me in The Straits Times, The Business Times, Vulcan Post, e27, Inc., The Peak, iWeekly, 8 Days, and a bunch of other cool places.

But beyond the headlines, I’m a dreamer, an otaku, and a proud mom to my fur-baby, 🐈‍⬛ Toothless. I wear many hats – content creator, writer, artist, marketer, technologist… you name it!

If you’re here, I’m guessing you read my article online, found me during a 2am Google deep dive, or shared a handshake and a chat. No matter the route, I’m thrilled you’re here. Think of this space as your go-to toolkit, brimming with gems to supercharge your journey.

Now, let me guess: You’re a founder, a side hustler, a go-getter professional, an aspiring entrepreneur, or all of the above. Sound about right?

Here’s the deal: I’m all about lifting folks like you. If you’re gearing up to launch that dream business or elevate your career game, you’ve hit the jackpot!

I’m on my journey to personal development. And guess what? We’re in this together. Let’s roll up our sleeves and make some magic.

Named “30 Entrepreneurs of the Year” by The Silicon Review, USA. Back home, I’ve bagged the Spirit of Enterprise and the Singapore SME 500 Award.

I founded Royal Privileged, bootstrapping it to an annual 7-digits revenue. Exited my media-tech startup within two years. After that, I founded People’s Inc., scaling the marketing automation software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform to over 7-digits in annual revenue within two years amid COVID.

But here’s the heart of it all: I’m on a mission. With over a decade of hard-earned experience under my belt, I’m committed to championing the next generation of entrepreneurs.

You know what? I’ve always felt too big, too bold for a tiny cubicle. At just 15, while most were figuring out high school drama, I was diving headfirst into the business world, exploring everything from FMCG to gaming and technology.

While juggling my academic life, I took on a role in marketing communications for SAP while side hustling as a content creator.

But hey, why stop there? I soon ventured into journalism, hungry to uncover the vast landscape of media and marketing.

And then came the game-changer. I took a deep breath, bid my 9-to-5 goodbye, and embraced entrepreneurship full-time.

We all have that itch, don’t we? That yearning for financial freedom, to truly decide our own paths. We’re all unique, with dreams as diverse as we are.

By being here on this platform, I’m pulling back the curtain. I’ll share my journey’s highs and lows, triumphs and trials. From building my brand and growing my digital presence to designing a life I’m proud of.

And here’s the golden nugget: Everything I bring to the table is crafted to help YOU thrive. Dive into my resources, learn from my experiences, and let’s automate those profits.

Ready to create a life and business you’re passionate about?

Get even more

Sit down each week with me, Sabrina ‘Princessa’ Wang, as I share the secrets to my personal, professional and social media success.

Get even more

Sit down each week with me, Sabrina ‘Princessa’ Wang, as I share the secrets to my personal, professional and social media success.


The business tools
I use every day

Enjoy some of my go-to business resources (and favourite things!) to help you in your entrepreneur and content creation journey.

Disclaimer: Some of the links below are affiliate links, which means we might earn a small commission if you love something as much as we do… we only recommend what we actually use!